My first (almost) complete run

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My first (almost) complete run

Post by tpfkar »

Well, I've finally had a go at doing the whole thing. (Yesterday 4th May) Amersham-Upminster was the plan, but I couldn't get to Amersham early enough, so started at Moor Park. Also, I'd only be able to get back from Upminster at sub-Marshallspeed(TM) so the main aim was to finish on an Upminster train.

In no particular order:

1)Heathrow is really screwy, I imagine it must be much faster without T4 bus services. But I lost time figuring out where the express was, and where the bus was, so it's a problem instead of a crisis. But if I want to get near the record, I have to find big savings on Geoff+Neil to compensate for Heathrow.

2)I now know why the advice is to do the Hainault loop southbound. Hainault is a cold, lonely station. Which I now know well. I also spent 15 minutes sitting in the train at Epping. Why? Grrrrr......
About an hour later, I was told that there were problems on the eastern loop of the central line. You don't say......

3)I think my legs are still in West Ruislip somewhere. I certainly haven't felt them today. I need to get running!

4)I managed to get on two wrong trains through just being incompetent. The first made me do a section backwards, which involved a 10 minute wait i probably wouldn't have had the right way round.
The second I reversed after one station, before finally realising that, having got on the wrong train I should have kept going and reordered my route. Ah well.

5)I even managed to get a wrong bus at Hatton Cross. (right bus, wrong direction) Although I realised and jumped out at the first stop, there was still time for the right bus to get away.

6) Feel free to laugh. I left Edgware aiming for Stanmore. The vague plan was to get a bus, but nothing looked good in the bus station, so I set off towards Canon's Park, hoping to be caught by a bus. After about a mile, I decided to check where I was, and using a side street, the index of my A-Z told me I was on the wrong page. Nooooooooo......... I'd been going completely the wrong way, and had shot straight past Burnt Oak, SE instead of W. I managed to bail out to Queensway, but lost time+energy.

7) Problems on the east london line, I think I just timed it badly and got unlucky.

8)Hooray for stations with toilet facilities! Hainault and Ruislip came in handy. Is there a list anywhere? There should be.

9)Mill Hill East. 15 minute wait. repeated grrrrr......

10)My route overall seemed to work well, although I was annoyed I couldn't make use of my good Zone 1 route. The running seemed well-spaced out, and often had long sections in trains to recover. Although it was the West Ruislip run where my legs decided they'd had enough, and the rest of the runs were tough. With hindsight, having returned from Acton Town for Ealing Common (closed Eastbound) and run back to Acton Town, I should have carried on to ealing Broadway and reversed.

11)Result: I thought that the last Upminster train left between 11-11:45 from where I wanted to get it. I got in at 00:20 and was delighted that I was just in time for the last one. I jumped on, my heart did a dance, my legs collapsed on the seat.

Adding together the theoretical times for the legs right at the start and the end, my total time was 19 hours and 53 minutes. Some way to go, but a good start. And it was so satisfying to see the route I'd planned actually work. To go faster, I need to figure out some of the problem connections and not screw up. Duh.

Any comments appreciated! I may try again soon. Losing Queensway will be a small issue, but a very small one, and certainly nothing compared to Ealing Common coming back.

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Post by joy54 »

The stations with toilets are showed on the Tube Map. Zone 1 routes wouldn't really work in a Big Challenge as you can do the whole of Zone 1 by going through it on about 3 lines and then around the Circle Line. Heathrow has been overcome in my route fortunatly and I don't change at Queensway. The best thing to do at Amersham is spend the night, Upminster has some rather late buses into Romford and there are night buses from there.
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Post by geofftech »

Check my 'silly maps' section over the weekend, where I'm going to be adding up a map that shows where all the toilets are!

When you say you started at Moor Park, did you then go east and not actually do Chesham/Amersham/Watford, etc.. yes? i.e. it was just a practise?
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Post by geofftech »

Oh, just realised what you said about working out times and making the last Upminster train. So you started AT moor park before the time that you'd normally get there, and then add on the time?

West Ruislip.. the hill! Hee. did you run UPhill from Ickenham yes? I know it well ...

If it makes you feel any better, I once got the wrong train, so it can happen to the best of us! I changed at Edgware Road, and got a Westbound H&C instead of a circle/district, and had to get out at Paddington and run through the mainline station down to Circle/District Hammersmith platforms!!

Sounds like you had a fun day though. It's all good experience.
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Post by tpfkar »

Yeah, I really enjoyed it, although I'm still limping a bit!

Thanks for the advice about toilets.
Yes, I got to Moor Park for the "correct" train and headed eastbound (and added on the time it should have taken from Amersham); I figured that doing Zones A-D wouldn't tell me that much, and I would have had to have spent the night in Amersham first. (Also saved a bit of money!)

In fact, it might be possible to reverse my whole route, as I think I can get to Upminster very early. Might look into that. It might also mean having less difficult bits to do in the dark, but I don't know if that was just because I hadn't been there before.

As for doing the West Ruislip run uphill, I orginally had planned to do it downhill, but because of several stations on the Picc line closed in one direction, I had to reverse that section.

And Geoff, at least your "wrong" train was going in the right direction! I reversed after one of mine, later realising that having got on the wrong train, reversing was still a bad idea.

But it was fun. And I will try again.

Joy54, what price for your ideas at Heathrow? That's one of the places where I think I'll lose time whatever.
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Post by joy54 »

Price, hmm...
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Post by Yorkie »

I don't know of a list of toilets, but you can find individual station info here, which includes toilet info.
What would I know? - I'm from Yorkshire for starters...

Post by yayrabies »

I found a simple soloution to the Ickenham- West Rusilip problem
Go the other way :D :D :D
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