A Story from DLR and Tramlink

Can you identify a station from just a paving slab? Sadly, some people can
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Re: A Story from DLR and Tramlink

Post by RobbieM »

“Oh yes,” said PC Barlow. “How may I help?”
“You know Mr Coomaraswamy owns the office block along the KING’S WAY? BUSINESS PARKing has just been approved on the road outside the front of the building. I wanted to let you know, in case you see anyone parking there illegally.”
“Oh, thanks very much Ed!” said PC Barlow, spotting something out of the corner of his eye. “Er, sorry, something’s come up, gotta go now.”
“Not a problem. Bye bye!”

For by another local church there was commotion. Nothing like it had ever been seen around ST WERBURGH’S. ROADs around the area were gridlocked, as that black horse was back in the area again. And this time it was being ridden by one George Varley…
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Re: A Story from Metrolink

Post by GuyBarry »

As the horse arrived, it leapt over a small BROOK.

"LAND, Stallion!" shouted George. It obediently stopped outside the police station. Jane rushed out to meet him.
"What a surprise, George!" exclaimed Jane. "You've got far better control of that horse than I ever had."
"Well, I learned a thing or two from Valerie BOWKER. VALErie trains horses near where I live."
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Re: A Story from DLR and Tramlink

Post by RobbieM »

Just then, a gentleman walked along wearing a dog-collar. “Ah,” said Jane, “A man of the cloth! SplenDID!”
“S. BURY – VILLAGE vicar!” said the gentleman. “I’ve heard all this commotion with the horse going on for the last couple of hours. Seems like there’s been an incident. Can I help at all?”

Jane explained everything.

“Well,”, said Rev. Bury, “I’ve just preached a sermon on forgiveness. A bit too long and wearying, maybe; one of the congregation fell asleep. But I’m fresh on the subject at least. Could I have a chat with you and Mrs Enham?”

They all departed to one side.

“Listen”, said Rev. Bury. “The Women’s Institute are a wonderful organisation, and do many great things. But sometimes a little more wisdom is needed. I can summarize my hour-long sermon in two minutes.”

Jane and Beck listened intently.

“Basically, we’re all individuals with different quirks, and that variety is what makes life interesting. But often, our strange quirks can irk those around us, even our best friends. Especially our best friends in fact, because they feel it most. Because of this, we are very prone to harbouring grudges. But you know, these grudges weigh down on us, and become very heavy to carry.”

No sign of anyone falling asleep during this sermon…

“The important thing is, we need to forgive each other regularly, since we upset each other so much. And it’s often very hard to forgive. But you know what? When you do, these huge burdens of guilt and grudges are lifted from us, and we feel a huge release!”

Jane and Beck’s faces were brightening; something was happening.

“And”, continued Rev. Bury, “when you make this a part of the way you live day-to-day, life becomes so freer and more enjoyable. I have a term to describe this kind of lifestyle.”
“What’s that?” asked Beck.
Rev. Bury smiled, then after a short silence, he replied, “Travelling Light!” :D :D :D :D :D

After a few minutes, Rev. Bury, Jane and Beck returned, bright smiles on their faces…

“Well everyone”, said Jane. “You’ll be pleased to know that I take full responsibility for the accident. I will pay for any damage caused, and as a form of community service, I shall undertake 80 hours junction-spotting with my new friend, Beck.”
There was a round of applause from the gathered crowd. Tears of joy began to stream down Crystal’s face. “Oh, Jane”, she cried, “that’s wonderful! You really are a credit to the Women’s Institute!”

Beck then went up to Bess. “Er, Albert – sorry, I mean, Bess! I’m so sorry for … all those years ago, well, you er, … you know what…”
“And so am I. I should never have … well, you know …”
They embraced.
The others applauded once again! And Crystal’s tears of joy became a river of rapture.

Then turning to Rev. Bury, Jane asked, “Excuse me, but which church do you minister at?”
“Well,” replied the vicar, “I over see two local churches – All Souls’ and ST PETER’S”.
SQUAREly Jane looked at him, and said “Thank You, Reverend”. And she meant it.

Rev. Bury continued on his way. The vicarage was just over the road, and they all watched as he disappeared through the DEAN’S GATE.
“CASTLEFIELD Street and Enfield Way!” said Jane, pointing to the road signs next to the vicarage. “What a great junction! Shall we go and inspect a little more closely?”
Jane, Beck and PC Barlow all ran down there, like three excited school-children. "Let's form a junction-spotting club!" said PC Barlow.
"Jane!" said Beck, "Can I interest you in a tasty elver?"
"Er, one step at a time, I think!" They both chuckled.

The others smiled at them as they ran off, and looked on in quiet contentment. They then looked at each other, and shrugged their shoulders.
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?", Alan asked Crystal.
"Quite possibly!" she replied...

...and they all ran and joined the others! Oh, what a big, happy group of junction-spotters they were!
Last edited by RobbieM on 30 Sep 2015, 22:51, edited 12 times in total.
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Re: A Story from DLR and Tramlink

Post by GuyBarry »

Just then, another face appeared. Jane was sure she recognized him.

"Hello, I'm Jack WYTHENSHAWE. PARKing round here is impossible at the moment, so I had to walk."
PC Barlow was apologetic. "Sorry, Mr WYTHENSHAWE. TOWN CENTRE was choked up until a few minutes ago. What can I do for you?"
"I believe you have my horse."
Undefeated Tumbleweed champion, Oct 2015

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Re: A Story from DLR and Tramlink

Post by RobbieM »

It was of course Don, under yet another new alias.
“Ah yes,” said Bess. She whistled. Immediately the horse ran to them. “Oh, they gave me such great horse-training in Uley!” she said.
“Bye-bye Mr. Wythenshawe” the crowd said, as Don mounted the horse. He then sped off at great speed into the sunset.
“So long, friends. Arriva!” Don had always fancied himself with the surname ‘Quixote’…

“What a man!” said Jane. “Umm, what’s that smell?”
They all looked down to see the horse had left an offering on the road beside them.
“Hang on a minute” said Crystal. She pulled a bottle out of her pocket, and sprayed it over the pile. Instantly the area smelt as sweet as honey.
“La Neutralisa!” she said. “Works every time!”
Mrs. Bromley nodded in delight.

“You know?” said Jane to Beck, “Today’s been quite an adventure. And I never knew junction-spotting could be such fun. If you hadn’t have phoned me this morning, I might have just spent the day stuck at … Oh no! Aaagh! I’ve just remembered!”
“What’s up?” asked Beck. “You sound as shocked as you were this morning when we drove past Walthamstow CENTRAL!”

PARKed outsde the Waddingtons’ house, Henry was knocking frantically on the door. “Alan! Jane! Where are you?”

:D :D :D :D :D *** THE END *** :D :D :D :D :D
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