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Re: Zone 1 2012

Posted: 07 Mar 2012, 21:17
by MylesHSG
Sorry Tangy if I stepped in (any of) your toes!

Re: Zone 1 2012

Posted: 07 Mar 2012, 21:35
by hopeful traveller
Going Underground wrote:marvelous
Two l's. :P

Re: Zone 1 2012

Posted: 07 Mar 2012, 21:37
by tubeguru
I gave up trying to get people to spell and write English properly ages ago. Good luck to you with that one.

Re: Zone 1 2012

Posted: 08 Mar 2012, 20:59
by tubeguru
Politics posts deleted. We've got as thread for that. This is the Zone 1 2012 thread.


Re: Zone 1 2012

Posted: 13 Mar 2012, 01:13
by tpfkar
palkanetoijala31 wrote: here is my betting pool for zone 1 winner
hakan & Lars evens
ric 6/1
******** 10000/1
Very kind of you to offer such flattering odds on me. But before you all race to the bookies to get the value while it lasts, alas I expect to be in Scotland that week so I'm likely to be a non-starter.

I had a blast helping to organise it back in 2007 (yikes that's 5 years ago - if you thought I was crochetty then...) and hope Myles does this year; sad to read in this thread of a rough ride one year and hope we can all just enjoy our hobby together.

Re: Zone 1 2012

Posted: 13 Mar 2012, 09:03
by tubeguru
How long have you been lurking for?!

Re: Zone 1 2012

Posted: 14 Mar 2012, 18:49
by Going Underground
Slick Ric, it has been a while :!:

Re: Zone 1 2012

Posted: 21 Mar 2012, 17:23
by hwolge
Hi all,

Lots of things have been going on in my life recently, so I haven't visited the forum for a long time. Anyway, I and Patrick discussed Z1CC today and I promised to read up on it. Boy, what a read I got. I almost felt a pang of nostalgia reading this thread. So, here are my few pennies worth:
* Of course, I and Patrick will supply the new Trophy/Cup for Z1CC. I hope Myles has not done so already...
* We were discussing the fact that we should really organise the event, due to our fortunate win last year. After reading this thread, however, we are more than happy to let someone else do the job.
* It's I and Patrick that has won the Z1CC three times. Lars joined us on one of those occassions, so maybe Mr Odds may want to adjust the odds table... BTW I'll be happy to put a few quid on the ******* attendant - any takers?
* I and Patrick are likely (and Lars probably less likely) to participate this year as well.


Re: Zone 1 2012

Posted: 22 Mar 2012, 00:42
by MylesHSG
Oh cheers Haken, I had looked at trophys, but hadn't ordered one yet!

Re: Zone 1 2012

Posted: 15 Apr 2012, 20:20
by tractakid
I am considering attending. I want to do another full network relatively soon- half term is a distinct possibility- so I may be in London twice that week :P

I am not usually the most sociable creature, on the other hand, it would be cool to meet you guys. Warning, I may want to talk about the tube! :P

I don't know if people plan on getting drunk in the evening. I don't drink alcohol, and will probably leave in the evening if people plan to get drunk. Purely for personal reasons, feel free to call me 'no fun' :P

I'm guessing there will be plenty of time to get an off peak train from Milton Keynes in the morning?

What's the best place to read or learn about this event?

Re: Zone 1 2012

Posted: 15 Apr 2012, 20:55
by MylesHSG
To answer some of your questions.

Yes we do go to the pub afterwards, where the results are announced. After that people are free to stay and play darts, have a pint or two and just generally have a good time.

Off Peak tickets start at 10am I think so you'll have plenty of time to catch a London Midland or Virgin to Euston.

No one really gets 'drunk' as such. Yes the Lager and Bitter flows, but we like to atleast be able to hit the dart board! :D

Re: Zone 1 2012

Posted: 15 Apr 2012, 21:03
by Sam
Off peak starts at 09:30 :)

Re: Zone 1 2012

Posted: 17 Apr 2012, 13:26
by Going Underground
tractakid wrote:I am considering attending. I want to do another full network relatively soon- half term is a distinct possibility- so I may be in London twice that week :P

I am not usually the most sociable creature, on the other hand, it would be cool to meet you guys. Warning, I may want to talk about the tube! :P

I don't know if people plan on getting drunk in the evening. I don't drink alcohol, and will probably leave in the evening if people plan to get drunk. Purely for personal reasons, feel free to call me 'no fun' :P

I'm guessing there will be plenty of time to get an off peak train from Milton Keynes in the morning?

What's the best place to read or learn about this event?
You should come along if you can, there will be at least 1 or 2 others that may want to talk about the tube :wink:

The normal drill is that a function room in a pub will be booked just for our use from around 4-7pm where we meet up after the event and talk routes, where it went well and where it went horribly wrong in most cases :lol:

The times are announced and the winner awarded a trophy and there is normally a "prize" for the best team name... In recent years there has been a quiz where whoever happens to be sitting at the same table team up and again the winners normally recieve a "prize"

People then either start to drift away or stay on and play some darts either at venue we are frequenting or another ale house.....

I cant recall anyone getting "drunk" some of like a "sociable" beer or two :wink:

Keep watching this topic thread for news / updates on the event....

Re: Zone 1 2012

Posted: 17 Apr 2012, 15:02
by MylesHSG
Hey Kev, you couldn't suggest any pubs that a function room could be booked for. I thinking keeping it central so its not too far to Euston, Victora, Liverpool Street etc.

Re: Zone 1 2012

Posted: 17 Apr 2012, 16:39
by tubeguru
I have a question.

How far is/are the person/people organising this year's Zone 1 along the road of actually organising this year's Zone 1 challenge? I haven't heard much about it for weeks now.